Thursday 29 July 2010

The Lovely Lads.

Here are the lovely boy ponies. Wig Wam, Tracks, Salty, Ice Crystal and Tornado.
My Dad got me Tornado when I was small and I loved him so... but when my Mum moved to Australia and I lived in Student house in all its cramped glory he got sold on ebay (I hope to a nice collector's home). I've been watching him for years on ebay but he's always out of my price range. But then! I was at my lovely friend Charley's house, full of tasty Tacos and incoherent with Sailor Jerry when I saw him! My little sob story came out and she gave him to me! I LOVE HIM! But it is now my mission to find a worthy treat to fill the hole he has left in her life!
I have to say though... he's really been enjoying himself here with the other boy ponies. They live together in my dressing room all stood in a line.
I only hope my collection of boy ponies continues to grow!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad he is happy in his new home, he fits in a treat. A happy ending to a sad tale :)
