Sunday 27 June 2010

I laugh in the face of football.

In celebration of England's speedy exit from the 2010 World Cup I would just like to say I am relieved that I no longer have to bear drunk losers during the day coming in my shop and abusing me. I no longer have to bear the sight of middle aged women who would never EVER watch a football match normally wearing some hideously tight St George's cross attire with a crude slogan such as "Nice Balls" emblazened across their sagging chests. Gone will be "England" Cup Cakes and Gingerbread men and stupid plastic flags that only serve to f&**k up the environment that little bit more. I might get a seat in a pub. Kids with bad hair cuts might shut the hell up. People might stop crying over sports.
Probably not though.
And there's no use telling people there are other things happening and that there is no need to get so upset because that would be the ultimate insult...........

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