Sunday, 27 March 2011

Positive vibes.

Long has it been since I have worn a T shirt and felt comfortable. It's previously been all boob, no waist, big belly then legs sticking out the bottom. Not that I'm saying I'm body 2011 but I feel so much better!
Here I am showing off my Frank Sidebottom Tee (R.I.P) as bought at a gig of his on Valentine's Day 2008 by my lovely husband-to-be.

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Week OVER!

The post-op return to work has been smooth sailing but I'm so glad I've got a couple of days off!
The pain has decided to up the ante and I'm tackling this by sitting very still and watching Homes under the Hammer... considering a cup of tea.
Haylee has been entertaining me to cheer me up and here is a photo of her enjoying a little drink. The bathroom sink is her favourite place right now!

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Return to the daily toil.

Back to the daily grind tomorrow. Had a very relaxing, albeit slightly painful, two weeks off work and now it's time to suck it up and get back to work!
I've treated myself to a couple of new vintage dresses and am in a way looking forward to getting back into the real world.
It's been lovely at home. Plenty of wedding planning done and I must say... a lot of ebay surfing (and buying!). I've spent quality time with Haylee and had lots of snuggly naps. Visited my friend who lives nearby quite often and been fed by her! Even pancakes on Shrove Tuesday!
I've had so many cups of tea I think if you cut me I would bleed tea!
There is, however, only so much sitting round the house one can do.
So it's time to pack the painkillers and trot off to work.
Wish me luck!

Friday, 11 March 2011

Waste not.

On my arrival home from hospital my lovely fiance bought me some hot cross buns. However, when you're off food ( the worst!) there are only so many hot cross buns one can eat.
So, using my stale left overs I am making bread and butter pudding. Whether I will eat much I don't know but it's worth a go!

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Who caught the bouquet?

Here I am at my friends' Shilo and Scott's wedding reception a few years ago pretending to catch the bouquet! Who'd've thought I would be the next to get married in our little group?
It's a big year.
I'm currently at home recovering from a breast reduction. It is seriously the best thing I could have ever done. Immediately after waking up from the operation I was happy with the results. I really wish I'd done it sooner!
It's uncomfortable and I have to sleep on my back but I really can't wait for them to fully heal! I put a proper dress on for the first time yesterday and it fitted me like a normal person! I was so happy!
Now its full steam ahead on my wedding preparations! I'm even more excited as my dress will fit so much better and I will be so much more confident and wont want to die when I see the photos!