Sunday, 11 April 2010

Holiday!... Celebrate!... doopdedoodoo.

I am now officially off work for 8 whole days! Its great on so many levels... The weather is picking up and its nice and sunny. It's 8 days of not getting talked to like dog dirt. And I miss out on Sale Prep, Stock Take and visit from the company big wigs. Not that any of that stuff is a bad thing.... it's just to not do it for once. Though I do feel guilty for not taking the load..... but then I did book this holiday about three months ago.
I've had a good start to the holiday already. Getting fed tasty vegetables coated in cheeeeeeese and drinking lovely Paris Rose ( THE tastiest Strawberry and cream vodka at my chum Charley's... Even Gwen the cat remembered me and came over for a tickle and it's been quite a time since I saw her!
Plans for the holiday are...... NOTHING! Not really! I will do some stuff such as......... A seaside jaunt is on the cards, a girl's night out dancing is set in stone and I would quite like to go see some animals at Heeley City Farm ( and eat their lovely vegetarian foods! I will be seeing my lovely nephews hopefully and possibly taking in the sights of Sheffield on the big wheel ( is also the celebration of my oldest friend's birthday at the weekend where I shall be partaking in Italian food and BYO wine activities with a slice of dancing afterwards perhaps....... another thing I would like to do is master the art of cupcake making!
So really..... I will be doing stuff. HOORAY!

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