Friday, 26 February 2010

Alice in Wonderland.

I went to see Tim Burton's Alice In Wonderland last night.... in glorious 3D! I was cynical and didn't think 3D would be that great but Boy Oh Boy! It was great! There was a little girl sat next to me and she kept trying to reach out and touch things that "came out of the screen"!
We got to see a live feed of the Royal World Premiere that was being held at Leicester Square and see all the glamorous dresses and people who are so famous they have someone else to hold an umbrella over their heads.
Just before the film started it said "Could we kindly ask that at the end of the film you remain seated and wait for the Royal Party to leave" (You see, Charles and Camilla were there) nd I said " I can't believe we have to wait for Prince Charles to leave!" My boyfriend thought I was very silly.... we, in fact, did not have to sit and wait in Sheffield for the Premiere in London to finish!
I also said after security had checked our bags "why would you bring a weapon to the cimema?" to which my long suffering boyfriend pointed out they were more than likely looking for recording equipment.... I must have been having an off day!
Anyway..... I think you should all go and see Alice in Wonderland and I think you should watch the original 1951 Disney animated Alice In Wonderland and you should also read the book.
It will make you happy.
You should also read The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebould but most likely give the new movie adaptation a wide berth.
It will not make you happy.

1 comment:

  1. I want to go see Alice.....still not read The Lovely Bones, I'm scared it will make me sad.
