Friday, 26 February 2010

Alice in Wonderland.

I went to see Tim Burton's Alice In Wonderland last night.... in glorious 3D! I was cynical and didn't think 3D would be that great but Boy Oh Boy! It was great! There was a little girl sat next to me and she kept trying to reach out and touch things that "came out of the screen"!
We got to see a live feed of the Royal World Premiere that was being held at Leicester Square and see all the glamorous dresses and people who are so famous they have someone else to hold an umbrella over their heads.
Just before the film started it said "Could we kindly ask that at the end of the film you remain seated and wait for the Royal Party to leave" (You see, Charles and Camilla were there) nd I said " I can't believe we have to wait for Prince Charles to leave!" My boyfriend thought I was very silly.... we, in fact, did not have to sit and wait in Sheffield for the Premiere in London to finish!
I also said after security had checked our bags "why would you bring a weapon to the cimema?" to which my long suffering boyfriend pointed out they were more than likely looking for recording equipment.... I must have been having an off day!
Anyway..... I think you should all go and see Alice in Wonderland and I think you should watch the original 1951 Disney animated Alice In Wonderland and you should also read the book.
It will make you happy.
You should also read The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebould but most likely give the new movie adaptation a wide berth.
It will not make you happy.

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Onwards and upwards....

This week a "lady" approached me in my place of employ with the greeting "OI"..... then just stared at me. I asked her if she wanted something to which she replied "got toilet".... neither a statement nor a question. I kindly told her no and she asked me where the "toilet area" was.... Not here my friend! How about in the massive Marks and Spencer directly across the street?
Some people.... makes me wonder how they get on in life.
Anyway, a bit of relief..... I'm off for two whole days and I'm going away for a girls night out. High heels, party dresses and cocktails (or possibly just beer). I'm quite excited for the chance to not be asleep by 9 pm as is my usual evening activity yet, as I don't party nearly as much as I used to/ should, I feel quite out of touch with it all. And I might add....... a little bit frightened.

Saturday, 13 February 2010

Valentine grinchery.

I'm feeling quite bad today as I really dislike Valentines......... I wish it were the olden days when it probably meant something but all I've seen today is daft, horny old women in Marks and Spencers carrying baskets with their "2 dine for £20" shopping (which every other day only cost £10 because, lets face it, you don't need a rose and some chocolates especially when bought on their own they'll cost less than £10).
I've also had a lot of ladies buying shoes for their boyfriends ( I do work in a shoe shop after all!) But seriously! What a crap gift for Valentines! Surely its such a non celebration that a silly little mere token of you affection is sufficient! NOT a pair of shoes that your other half will undoubtedly return next week........
I would be happy to receive this little picture for Valentines.

Sunday, 7 February 2010


Today I have already baked some tasty flapjack and now I have cheese scones in the oven..... I did however grate my thumb nail right off and now it hurts! Luckily the nail was still clinging on therefore did not go into my scone mix. Phew!

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

What not to write on a C.V.

Today we received a C.V. at work and it said....
"I had 2 guinea pigs for 7 years and have looked after a dog"
... utterly brilliant! He was 21... old enough to know better!
If I had more time in my life I would love to interview him and say..."So... Guinea Pigs? Tell me about that..."
Bless..... he's probably a really nice person but come on! Would you really think that would win you an interview anywhere other than a pet shop!

Monday, 1 February 2010

so so so so wrong.

I love Mickey Mouse.
I saw this Pinata in Sugacane; a sweetshop in Bakewell, Derbyshire (nice but overpriced... You get more rare and interesting sweets in Cyber Candy in London and Brighton for a similar price).
Anyway, back to my point... I love Mickey Mouse... I would never want to smash his head in to get sweeties.
I think Pinatas should be made to look revolting so you don't feel bad for fucking them up. They should look like First Mainline bus drivers... I'd smash the shit out of it then.